Temenos Innovation Jam 2018

Temenos have 40 of the top 50 banks in the world running their software.  After Moroku’s Chore Scout app was awarded 3rd best retail banking innovation in the world, by Temenos and their customers at their Innovation Jam in May last year, much has happened.

After looking at 873 FinTech’s globally, Moroku Chore Scout has become one of 55 FinTech’s who Temenos have invited into their marketplace and connected to their core platform. This distinguishes us from the 94% who didn’t make the cut.

More significantly it means that Chore Scout is available to all Temenos customers who have their digital platform in place. Having completed marketplace certification and integration we are now beginning to jointly market to the solution to those customers with some promising signs.

Having selected North America as our growth market, last week we were invited to present at the North America heat of the Innovation Jam. This put us in front of American Temenos customers and sales teams. During the week we completed technical due diligence with and issued a proposal to one of the biggest customers in the region. We also added a couple more to the Americas pipeline including one from a senior bank executive via “What’s App” .

“Yesterday at the Jam de Temenos innovation event I had the opportunity to see your presentation, Moroku. I liked it a lot and I think it would be great to have it in the Bank. .. Be part of our product portfolio. The financial education of children has been our priority for 8 years”

This message shows an important trend. We are seeing banks increasingly seeking to link their financial literacy programs into the very heart of their operations and value proposition. This is something we have been trying to build for 3 years and are delighted to see it crystallising. With the Royal Commission into banking in Australian and other efforts by regulators around the world to curb mal practice we see this trend only strengthening.

This is a staging environment