Team Moroku Takes out Flutter Hackathon

Flutter is a cross platform, mobile application framework, created by Google, to help developers write once and deploy across multiple different operating systems and is gaining a lot of traction.

This weekend a series of hackathons were run across 19 countries to bring developers together around the platform, learn from each other and compete for bragging rights

Moroku won Sydney event with an app idea called “Mentor Overflow” , an app that helps experienced developers connect with aspiring developers around the world and help them grow in their field. Mentor Overflow integrates with StackOverflow to draw on the history of answered questions reputation, related tags and more to intelligently match mentors to developers eager to learn. The app also takes into account the users spoken language and location allowing easier face to face meetings and preventing language from being an obstacle for a developer. The app will be localised to more languages in future. Mentor Overflow makes browsing through Stack overflow profiles fun and easy and has built in chat functionality to help you connect to a mentor easily. By utilising StackOverflow’s vast user base, it makes finding the right answer even faster.

Truly awesome work from the team, showing we’re not just great at making banking fun but have the engine room to stay ahead of tech curve and build great apps

If you are a financial services institution and want to different your digital experience , get in touch today

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Digital is rapidly commoditising banking around the world, forcing participants to compete on margin erosion and funding. In the new engagement economy, there is an alternative: Harness the power of game to build digital experiences that deepen customer relationships, provide value and are relevant by supporting customers to thrive with their money.


This is a staging environment