The Bank of England has warned banks to take immediate action on climate risks or face a hit to annual profits.
We have to move faster on ESG
How we eat, dress and move is killing the planet
Our consumption habits are creating demand for products and services that are doing the planet no favours
The Financial Servcies Industry has a big role to play
◦Environment – We have the transaction data on eating, wearing, moving
◦Society – Financial Inclusion has a real impact
◦Governance – Transparency and Ethics
The answer is hiding in plan sight , within screen time
Game is the most powerful and proven method we have to engage, build skills, overcome challenges and win
Moroku has the platform
A decade of IP building to create the platform, processes, people and experience to help FSI deploy game into the experience to drive ESG change
The Moroku 12 Week Sustainability Accelerator
Moroku On-Ramp is a proven 12 week design sprint to create and test game oriented financial services applications.
The methodology has been adapted and focussed to help financial institutions research, explore, ideate and test the potential for game and digital to positively impact the ESG stance of the participant.
The Sustainability Accelerator covers 6 phases, each lasting 2 weeks, establishing a hypothesis, validating it with a market cohort and then progressively creating a digital experience to positively impact the cohort’s beliefs and habits around a specific aspect of sustainability.
It is different from all other such design approaches in its incorporation of game method tuned for financial services and sustainability.
Accelerate your sustainability stature.
What type of financial institutions do we need?
Are we helping customers manage?
Are we helping them save now pay later ?
Four organisations in four countries
To give each participating organisation, bank or fintech, an opportunity to lead, and to provide the program with a diverse data and cohort group, participants will be limited to one per country.