Agile at Moroku – Methodology and Governance

Embrace Change, Improve Continuously Satisfy Customers

Adopt the Agile Advantage with Moroku

Moroku Agile Methodology

Moroku adopts Agile project management as an iterative and collaborative approach to managing projects.

Agile methodology is a dynamic, iterative approach to software development and project management. Emphasising collaboration, flexibility, and continuous improvement, Agile breaks projects into small, manageable units called sprints, typically lasting 2-4 weeks.

At the heart of Agile are self-organising, cross-functional teams that work collaboratively to deliver incremental improvements. Each sprint starts with a planning session to define goals, followed by daily stand-ups for progress updates. The sprint ends with a review and retrospective, where the team reflects on successes and areas for improvement.

Agile values customer collaboration over contract negotiation, encouraging regular feedback to ensure the final product meets user needs. It prioritises individuals and interactions over processes and tools, fostering a culture of direct communication and teamwork.

Agile’s flexibility allows teams to respond to change rather than sticking rigidly to a plan. This adaptability is crucial in today’s fast-paced environment, where requirements can shift rapidly.

By focusing on delivering working software frequently, Agile ensures that progress is visible and valuable throughout the project. This approach not only enhances productivity but also boosts team morale, as members see tangible results of their efforts regularly.


Based on the Agile Manifesto, the methodology’s principles emphasise individuals and interactions, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change.


Short development cycles where a usable product increment is created.

Daily Stand-Ups

Brief daily meetings to discuss progress, obstacles, and plans.

Continuous Feedback

Regular feedback from stakeholders to ensure the product meets their needs, inline and at regular showcases.


At the end of each sprint, the team reflects on what went well and what can be improved.


Every work item is a separate card on the board, allowing team members to track progress through its workflow in a highly visual manner.


Agile governance focuses on guiding and monitoring agile projects to ensure they deliver value and align with organizational goals


Agile governance structures often include Agile Coaches, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and Cross-Functional Teams working together to ensure successful project delivery

Agile structures and governance are pivotal in ensuring projects are delivered efficiently and flexibly. Agile promotes an iterative and incremental approach, allowing teams to adapt quickly to changes and feedback.


At its core, Agile employs self-organising, cross-functional teams. These teams work in short cycles, known as sprints or iterations, typically lasting 2-4 weeks. Each sprint begins with planning to set goals and ends with a review and retrospective to evaluate progress and identify improvements. Daily stand-ups help keep the team aligned on goals and obstacles.



Agile governance emphasises transparency, collaboration, and accountability. Product Owners prioritise work to maximize value. Scrum Masters facilitate the process, ensuring adherence to Agile principles. Stakeholders are regularly involved, providing feedback and adjusting priorities.

Agile governance also involves continuous monitoring and adaptation. Tools like Jira track progress and performance. Metrics such as velocity and burndown charts are used to measure efficiency and predictability.

Agile structures and governance foster a dynamic and responsive environment, enabling teams to deliver high-quality products while continuously improving processes. It’s about creating a framework where adaptability and collaboration thrive, ensuring projects meet changing needs efficiently.

Ready to get started?


“Embrace Agile, Empower Moroku: Your Path to Seamless Innovation and Efficiency.”