
Moroku SEED Investment Round

Global FinTech Market continues to grow

Whilst lots of uncertainty on individual stocks persists, the world is demanding more from the financial services industry and rewarding those that get it right.

Global FinTech and Bank Market Valuation

USD 7.3 TN witha CAGR of 26.8%.

Afterpay Acquisition

By Square completed for USD 29bn.

Bank Technology Spend

Top 50 banks spending more than $1bn each year with JPMC leading the pack at $12bn/year on tech.

Digital Banking Platforms

 Propelled by the demands of a mobile first consumer, the global Digital Banking Platforms market size is expected to grow to USD 13.9 billion by 2026 

Join our journey

There is an awful amount going on. Some of it awful. There are lots of reasons not to focus on building a financial services industry predicated on customer success. 

But out there, in here, there are a few that do. They will read this and join our mission


Digital Banking

This is a staging environment